Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


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What is the MOMS Club®?

The MOMS (MOMS Offering Moms Support) Club® is a non-profit, non-partisan support group for stay-at-home mothers and their children.  Although some of our members do work part-time or out of their homes, we are all home during the day caring for our children ourselves.

Many of our members seek us out because they are new to the area and looking to meet new people and make new friends - and that's exactly what will happen! One new member even discovered an old friend who also moved here from another state on the other side of the country! Don't be shy - come out and join us, and we'll make you feel at home here in South Jersey!

What types of activities do you offer?

Our chapter offers a wide range of activities, including meetings, children's crafts, field trips, MOMS Night Out, playgroups, community service projects and much, much more.  Members are free to participate in as little or as much are they are interested in.  The MOMS Club® is a wonderful way to meet other at-home moms and a fun way for your children to meet and play with other children.

When are your meetings?

We meet twice a month, on the first and third Wednesday of the month.  At the first monthly meeting we usually host a speaker and at the second meeting we hold discussion groups.  All of our meetings are held in the morning and babysitting is provided free of charge.  Children are not required to go to the babysitting rooms and may stay in the meeting room with you.  Nursing mothers are also welcome to nurse their babies at our meetings and there is usually a free room nearby if you need a little more privacy.

What specific activities can I expect to see on the calendar?

Every month our calendar boasts a variety of activities, including: playgroups (organized and open), MOMS Night Out, field trips, special events, meetings, crafts, and gym/park time.

How does your Club communicate with its members?

We have our own web site, Yahoo group, monthly newsletter and calendar, bi-monthly meetings (one speaker and one discussion, with business discussed at the first meeting), and we also email members with the newsletter and added/updated activities not listed in the newsletter.

How much does it cost to join?

Our annual dues are $30.  This fee covers such necessities as room rentals, babysitting at meetings, paper, postage, copying fees, international chapter registration, and hospitality supplies.  We know that being a stay-at-home mom often requires financial sacrifices, so please contact our President if this fee would be a hardship for you.

Who is eligible to join this chapter of the MOMS Club®?

Stay-at-home mothers who live in area code 08053, but south of Rte 70 are invited to join this Marlton South group.  If you do not live in the indicated areas, please visit the International MOMS Club® website to locate your local MOMS Club® chapter or to find out how to start a chapter in your area!

How do I join?

The easiest way to join is simply to attend one of our meetings where you will recieve an informational packet along with the current newsletter.  If you are unable to attend our meetings due to a conflict on Wednesday mornings, please email our Membership Vice President and she will get in touch with you about joining.  You are welcome to attend two of our business meetings before deciding to join.

How can I become actively involved in the MOMS Club®?

All of our club's many positions are staffed entirely by volunteers.  We have an Executive Board consisting of six members and several Committee Chairs, and we are ALWAYS looking for volunteers.  If you are interested in becoming more involved, please contact one of our Committee Chairs or Board members.

Why are there not specific activity locations listed on the website?

To protect the privacy of our members and their children, we do not list the activity locations on our website.

In what region of New Jersey are you located?

Our chapter serves an area in Southern New Jersey, outside of Philadelphia.


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This site was last updated on January, 17, 2006